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We are committed to supporting your growth, every step of the way. In our Knowledge Base you can find step-by-step guides and articles about QBank related topics. To get support, submit a  ticket and our dedicated support team will get back to you.
QBank DAM's knowledge hub for customers
Knowledge Hub for QBanks customers

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Linda Nygård
Head of Customer Success, QBank
Linda Nygård is a Customer Success Manager at QBank. Helping QBanks customers in support.
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Welcome to QAcademy

– Master the Basics of QBank

New to QBank or looking to refresh your skills? QAcademy is your starting point for learning the essentials. Our first training module focuses on basic editor training, guiding you through navigating the interface, managing digital assets, and performing everyday tasks with ease.

Take the first step towards mastering QBank today.